AABANY's Pro Bono & Community Service Committee is having its next hybrid walk-in & virtual Legal Advice & Referral Pro Bono Clinic in Manhattan, NY on Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 12:30pm to 3:30pm. The clinic will be held at the Community Center at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association at 62 Mott Street, New York, NY 10013. The "Know Your Rights" presentation for this clinic will be on Bankruptcy and Consumer Debt and will begin at 12:30pm at the following link: https://bit.ly/probono2021 All are welcome to join the presentation; no registration is required. Since the inauguration of AABANY's monthly pro bono clinic in 2015, hundreds of low-income community members have received thoughtful advice and appropriate legal referrals from AABANY members. During the pandemic, we were able to continue to help hundreds more with our remote pro bono clinic. The Pro Bono Committee is seeking volunteer attorneys and language interpreters for the Pro Bono Clinic--either in-person or virtual. Attorney volunteers do not need to be specialists or have expertise in a specific area of law, but should have experience in client intake and consultation. Attorney volunteers will only be rendering legal advice and will not take on any legal representation. All volunteers must be AABANY members for professional liability coverage purposes. Volunteers may sign up at https://www.aabany.org/page/J2 to become an AABANY member. Interpreter volunteers should be fluent in English and at least one of the following languages: Cantonese Chinese, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, or other Asian languages or dialects. Please register to volunteer as an attorney or interpreter at: https://airtable.com/shrjQ5pEIcAxmox0M Volunteers - attorneys and interpreters - should bring open ears, patience, and compassion. All volunteers should arrive by 12:00pm and will be given an orientation before the start of the clinic. Masks are mandatory, vaccinations preferred. Due to limited space, we will try to accommodate requests for in-person volunteering. Attorneys and interpreters interested in volunteering for the Pro Bono Clinic or other pro bono opportunities should sign up at https://airtable.com /shrF23wUY2eWnGmFH , and those who need certifications of pro bono hours for bar admission purposes, should contact us at probono@aabany.org. AABANY's Pro Bono Clinic is conducted in collaboration with: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA), The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York (CCCNY), Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE). The September 2021 pro bono clinic's Know Your Rights presentation is co-sponsored by AABANY's Bankruptcy Committee.